Tim Maughan ‘2 tired 2 prompt’Talk
Friday 1417:30 - 18:00
Writer Tim Maughan wanted to know what impact AI would have on the next decade of art - so he asked an AI. Visuals by David M. Romero and Laura Rigauhat impact AI would have on the next decade of art - so he asked an AI

With his award-winning debut novel Infinite Detail, writer Tim Maughan imagined a dystopian world where the internet has disappeared. For his next trick, he’s trying to imagine what art might look like without artists. ‘2 tired 2 prompt’ documents his attempts to extract the answer about AI’s impact on the arts from an AI itself. 


In the line of his previous work, which includes non-fiction writing for the likes of  the BBCNew Scientist and the MIT Technology Review and screen-writing credits for short films, TV and Netflix, expect insightful critique, detailed analysis, and a dash of dark humour. 


This meta-dialogue is given an extra layer thanks to the visual intervention from David M. Romero (aka gtxdlr), whose work explores how alternative realities are influenced by speculative fiction, as well as graphic designer Laura Rigau.