
Perfect for…

Anyone who wants to see the inside of someone’s mind, live on stage 


Why’s it interesting?


After bringing their previous project, experimental video game and performance S.F.I.D., to Project Area at Sónar+D 2023 artist and cognitive scientist Albert.DATA is promising to be more naked than a human being has ever been on stage at Sónar+D 2025. 


Using a BCI (Brain Computer Interface), they’ll carry out a real-time neurohacking session, a neural striptease that lays bare the activity of their own brain in front of a live audience. In a future where our own minds can be monitored, enabling us to predict and adapt our own thoughts and behaviours, they ask us to imagine a moment when terms like neural rights and synthetic identities become part of day-to-day conversation. What would surveillance capitalism be like if big tech could see inside our actual minds?



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Cyberpunk culture, biohacking, Blade Runner and the works of Philip K. Dick, critiques of surveillance capitalism and big tech

  • Friday 13