Concept & direction: Sergio Caballero / Advanced Music
Art direction: Sergio Caballero / Gaby García
Graphic design: Aurelio Sánchez / Advanced Music
Campaign photography: Biel Capllonch
Video photography direction: Edu Grau

isn't a conventional film. The idea of the film in itself is unheard of, with a philosophy that starts off in the first place from the filming and the capture of images to elaborating the script and adding the dialogue later. This process has allowed the classic structure of a 'road movie' to be experimented and has been developed with the freedom of not having to give itself up to a tight script.
The rest is enigmatic and singular cinema, impregnated with a very particular atmosphere, full of unusually beautiful imagery and a sense of humour both ironic and surreal.
tells the story of two ghosts who, tired of wandering through limbo, decide to take the Way of Saint James, to the end of the world so that once there, they may begin a new fleeting, earthly stage in the land of the living.
An introspective journey through dreamlike and unwelcoming lands in which they will come across extraordinary characters. The two must confront unexpected situations, battle with their own fears and struggle with the obstacles of their own ghostly condition.
Solothurn Film Fest (Switzerland)
Festival Premier Plans d´Angers - official selection (France)
Glasgow Film Festival / Scotland (United Kingdom)
Istanbul AFM International Independent Film Festival (Turkey)
Nuevas Estrategias Ciclo cine Español / Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Indiefest / San Francisco (U.S.A)
Biennale du cinéma espagnol D´Annecy (France)
AV Film Festival / Newcastle upon Tyne (United Kingdom)
Semana de Cine Español (Poland)
Festibérico / Delft (Netherlands)
Avvantura Festival Film Forum Zadar (Croatia)
Clair-Obscur Filmfestival / Basel (Switzerland)
International Film Festival (IFFR) / Rotterdam (Holland)
Cinelatino Film Festival / Tubingen (Germany)
Belfast Film Festival (Nordern Ireland)
BAFICI / Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Night Visions Film Festival / Helsinki (Finland)
A-ONE Films Festival / Moscú-San Petersburgo (Russia)
Festival de Cine Latinoamericao de Montréal (Canada)
Eskisehir Film Festival (Turkey)
Cool Connections / Moscú (Russia)
Jeonju International Film Festival (South Korea)
Beijing International Film Festival (China)
SonarSound Tokyo (Japó)
Indielisboa / Lisboa (Portugal)
Seattle International Film Festival (U.S.A.)
Les Rencontres Internationales / Madrid-Filmoteca Española (Spain)
CPH/DOX–Copenhaguen International Documentary Film Festival (Denmark)
Distrital–Festival de Cine y Otros Mundos / México DF (Mexico)
Bildrauschen Film Fest / Basel (Switzerland)
Cineclub Cajastur. Oviedo (Spain)
A4 - nulty priestor / Bratislava (Slovakia)
Katowice Film Festival (Poland)
FID Marseille (France)
Different ! L'Autre Cinema Espagnol / Paris (France)
Les Rencontres Internationales / Berlin (Germany)
Sarajevo Film Fest (Slovenia)
Melbourne International Film Festival (Australia)
Frameout Festival / Viena (Austria)
European Film Festival / Palic (Serbia)
Danger after Dark Film Festival / Philadelphia (U.S.A.)
Cinefuturo VII Seminário Internacional de Cinema e Audiovisual / Salvador de Bahia (Brasil)
Window to Spain / Nueva York (U.S.A.)
Milano Film Festival (Italy)
Festival Internacional de Cine de San Sebastián (Spain)
Cinematik Piestany Film Festival (Slovakia)
Abandon Normal Devices Festival / Manchester (United Kingdom)
Cologne Conference Film Festival (Germany)
Oldenburg Film Fest (Germany)
Cineteca Bologna (Italy)
Underdox Film Fest / Munich (Germany)
Ibertigo - Muestra cine Las Palmas (Spain)
Rio de Janeiro Int'l Film Festival - Rio de Janeiro (Brasil)
Cinemateca Uruguaya - Montevideo (Uruguay)
Thessaloniki International Film Festival (Greece)
Ljubljana International Film Festival (Slovenia)
Leeds International Film Festival (United Kingdom)
Les Rencontres Internationales / Paris. Centre Pompidou (France)
SonarChicago (EEUU)
Abycine - Festival Internacional de Cine de Albacete (Spain)
Festival Internacional de Cinema Fantàstic de Catalunya / Sitges (Spain)
Festival Internacional de Cine de Ourense (Spain)
L’Alternativa / Barcelona (Spain)
Fancine – Festival de Cine Fantástico de la Universidad de Málaga(Spain)