AccessibilitySónar Festival - accessible to everyone.

Sónar has a clear commitment to all of our audience and is working every year to become an accessible, non-exclusionary festival. This work is ongoing, and we strive to improve with every edition. We have created a plan to achieve this goal based on an accessibility analysis which has highlighted the steps we need to take in order to continue improving accessibility. So far, we have implemented the following: 


  • form available to complete at to help us accommodate attendee’s needs; 
  • free entrance for any person accompanying a person with a certified degree of disability of 65% or more; 
  • preferential access lanes;
  • accessible bathrooms;;
  • SonarBus shuttle bus service adapted for attendees with disabilities or reduced mobility;
  • trained staff at all information points;
  • fully equipped raised platforms with clear sight lines on the main stages, clearly marked.