Music:Response - Inside the creative visual universe of The Chemical Brothers live show with Adam Smith & Marcus Lyall (UK) Talk
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Friday 1417:30 - 18:30
To celebrate the opening of their installation at Casa Batlló’s brand-new space THE CUBE, the masterminds behind The Chemical Brothers thrilling live shows come to Sónar+D

Superstar VJs, here we go! Adam Smith and Marcus Lyall might not be household names, but we guarantee that you’ll recognise their work. The duo have worked closely with The Chemical Brothers since 1994, creating the instantly recognisable visual universe for the British dance music titans’ live shows (as seen on multiple occasions at Sónar, most recently in 2022).


To celebrate the opening of Music:Response at THE CUBE, Smith & Lyall will be in conversation at Sónar+D to talk about their work over the years.


THE CUBE is a brand new collaboration between Casa Batlló and Sónar that brings together electronic music and digital art in a 360° audiovisual space located within the iconic Gaudi building. You can purchase tickets for Music:Response at THE CUBE here.